Hello all. I don't know how much any of you follow the video game world, but recently Visceral Games, a subsidiary of EA Games, recently has been doing some interesting public relation stunts that has been giving its new game, Dante's Inferno, alot of buzz. The premise for the game is that you must fight through the 9 circles of Hell and for some time Visceral Games has been creating talk through PR stunts centered around each of the circles of hell. Most recently is the event that uses the 4th cirlce, Greed. Visceral games mailed $200 checks to various game reviewers to either cash or not with the warning that to cash is to give into greed, and to waste is also a sin. If the check is cashed, the person will recieve a amputated arm grasping gold coins in a wooden box. The message inside goes on about because of their greed the fourth circle awaits them. I found it interesting that most of the recipients actually donated the money to charities. Personally I think this is a very unique and creative way of creating buzz for this game. Some feel that it is unethical because it seems like a bride for a good review of the game. In either case it has gotten a lot of people talking about it which probably is the overall goal.